A New Way To Print On Fabric
A step by step process to show you how to print on fabric with your home inkjet printer
Our company use this process to print fabrics and labels for our handmade neckties. We are going to walk you through each step so you can understand how simple it is to print on fabric with your ink jet printer for your next craft project. Also, at the bottom of the page we will have a display of items created by our customers.
The Bubble Jet Set 2000 has revolutionized the way we print on fabric! A simple non-toxic chemical formula designed to treat fabric for permanent images with Ink Jet Printers. As a result, we will use this product to demonstrate the process as it will explain how to use all the products we manufacture. C. Jenkins Company is the manufacture & inventor
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1: Cut cotton or silk fabric into 8.5 X 11 sheets (or desired print size). Shake well and pour Bubble Jet Set 2000 in a flat pan. Saturate fabric in solution for 5 minutes!
Step 2: Lay flat on a towel to dry or Blow Dry for faster results!
Step 3: Iron fabric sheets to shiny side of freezer paper. For best results use C. Jenkins 8.5 X 11 Freezer Paper Sheets!
Step 4: Place fabric sheets in printer tray
Step 5: Print image on fabric sheets & allow to dry for 30 minutes!
Step 6: After you allow fabric to dry for 30 minutes, peel fabric away from freezer paper!
Step 7: Pour around 4 cap fulls of the Bubble Jet Rinse in 1 gallon of cold water!
Step 8: Agitate fabric sheet in cold water & Bubble Jet Rinse for 2 - 3 minutes. Do not allow to soak, but agitate the full 2- 3 minutes!
Step 9: Rinse out loose inks & chemicals in cold water for about 1 minute.
Step 10: Lay flat to dry on a towel or blow dry for faster results.
Step 11: Cut Fabric Label or design to fit your craft project
Step 12: You now have a perfect fabric label or image. Also below is an example of an image we printed to make a wonderful Pillow!
Simple Directions!
This is a new product that allows you to print directly on fabric with an ink jet or a bubble jet printer. Now you can create your own fabric sheets with your personal computer and printer. This revolutionary idea allows you to take all of your art work, favorite posters, family photo's and apply them to fabric. The permanent images on fabric will allow you to create quilts, mouse pads, cup holders, shirts, curtains, flags or any fabric ideal you can image. In addition, you can create these images on fabric while maintaining the true texture and feel of the fabric. Unlike transfer products, Bubble Jet Set 2000 will not leave the fabric stiff or coated with a plastic film.
The items you can make is only limited by your imagination. So to help you understand here is a list of items that some of our customers have created with our products!
Printed Pillow Fabric Bowl Window Quilt